Novel Business Case

We have built our first original business case (viticulture)!

We have built our first original business case: Agritech, viticulture in particular.

We have decided to focus our pilot experience on the territory of Northern Latium, not far from Rome. This pilot program has been already validated by ESA and got green light. We have illustrated our vision and proposed our idea to the newborn Bio-district of Lake of Bolsena. We have received individual enthusiastic feedbacks and interest to join our testing program from associates (we are in possession of several L.o.I.s). The reported reason is to be found in the original bottom-up process we designed and the subsequent direct involvement, from the very beginning, of the user within the process. This pilot program is meant: to validate a user/product-market fit, to build an MVP, for its prototyping, for validating the usability/effectiveness for the testers of our deliverable outputs and, eventually, outlining an MSP for prospect clients.

The lake district, which is even a site of EU interest (SCIs: Sites of Community Interest), is located in the province of Viterbo (in Lazio county, a region of central Italy) and it is characterized by a strong biodiversity (several types of grapes are successfully cultivated), making it a quite interesting living lab. Their mission is to develop an economy in harmony with nature, with local traditions and culture (also wine production). Not only to create a synergy between the various sectors of sustainable activity, but also to promote and strengthen the identity of the territory. By the creation of a label that distinguishes sustainable products of the territory. They plan to create distribution channels, give enhanced visibility to their products. The bio-district will be promoted in municipalities, at tourist offices and establishments, in school and company refectories, at markets and fairs. In addition to this territory-case trial, we have also included a viticulture producer form an adjacent area (Cortona, in lower Tuscany).